Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Adventure Begins....

This morning, I shuffled E and the kids out the door for an ADVENTURE DAY (read: SANITY DAY FOR MOM). I stood amid the detritus of my house and realized that all along, the blogging 'hook' I'd been looking for had been staring me in the face. As I walked around I came face to face with the following art installations, all completed in the last 24 hours, give or take a few:

Remnants of last night's Earth Hour celebration, obviously.
And this:

This is my personal favorite:

I particularly like the irony of D's inscription, "Wrapped Presents," on the box full of old moldy tubing and rusty valves. Which he assembled, by the way. They're his. Purchased with many a Home Depot gift card over the years. Actually this is probably his idea of the Perfect Gift, in all seriousness.

I realized I'm tired of spending all my time walking around and deconstructing art in the name of hygiene. Instead, I want to share it with you, my friends and family! It's the only way I can help you to truly understand the complexities of my daily life parenting the lovely, bright, messy, impossible, idiosyncratic, never-boring fruit of my loins.

Plus I get to share more pictures with you, and ensure I get some writing in on a regular basis. Everybody wins!!

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